Thursday, December 9, 2010

Silverlight Basic

What is Silverlight?
1. Silverlight is a development platform for creating rich interactive application and business applications for web, desktop and mobile devices.

2. Silverlight is a free plug-in compatible across multiple browsers, devices and OS.
3. Silverlight uses XAML.
4. To create Silverlight content/Application, we can use existing tools like Visual Stdio or dedicated tool like ExpressionBlend.
5.Silverlight technology is developed by Microsoft which incorporates the same functionality as Adobe Flash.
6. Silverlight can be connected to data, servers and services.

What is difference between WPF and Silverlight?
Silverlight is a browser plugin for running it on web application while WPF is used for window application.

What are different layout controls available in Silverlight?
There are basically three controls
1.Canvas :-It arranges child elements according to X,Y coordinate.
2.Grid :-It arranges child elements either in rows or columns.
3. Stack Panel :-It arranges child elements in horizontal or vertical manner.

What kind of audio video formats are supported in Silverlight?
Silverlight supports windows Media Audio and Video(WMA, WMV7-9) as well as MP3 audio.

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