Thursday, October 3, 2013

SharePoint 2010 Custom Display Form Comments History not showing

In this post I will explain one of my experience when creating SharePoint custom list display form.

For one list we have version history enabled with one field called “Comments” as multiline with append text enabled.

After creating the custom form the comments will display as

<xsl: select=”@Comments” value-of disable-output-escaping=”yes” />

and comments history was not visible.

After replacing the above line with

<SharePoint:AppendOnlyHistory runat=”server” ControlMode=”Display” FieldName=”Comments” ItemId=”{@ID}”  />
All details are showing perfectly.

Export and Import SharePoint Designer 2010 List Workflow

In this post I will explain how to export and import SharePoint 2010 designer list workflow from one site/list to another using simple approach.

1.      Open SharePoint Designer 2010, Navigate to the workflow section.

2.      Then click on “Export to Visio”. Save the file as CopyListItems.vwi or any suitable name.

3.      Then create a new list with same schema on same site or another site collection.

4.      In SharePoint 2010 there is no direct way to import the previously exported workflow into the newly created list.

5.      Navigate to the newly created list and create list workflow without any workflow steps or empty. Then click on “Save” and “Publish” the newly created workflow say BlankWF.

6.      Then Click on “Export to Visio” and save this BlankWF.vwi or any suitable name.

7.      Rename both vwi files as .zip i.e and

8.      Replace the “workflow.xoml.wfconfig.xml” file from into

9.       Remove .zip extension to .vwi and “Import from visio” and select CopyListItems.vwi.