Thursday, November 28, 2013

Unable to open SharePoint 2010 Task form from word and outlook

In this post I will explained one of  the issue I faced after associating SharePoint 2010 OOB approval workflow to SharePoint document library.
After triggering the workflow manually it generates tasks and sends email notification to person whom it is assign. However when the user/person try to open the task form it throws the below error message as shown below

Element '{} div’ is unexpected according to content model of parent element '{} Body’

After doing some research the below solution work for me

1.Go to the Task list which is used to store the workflow task by this approval workflow.
2.Click Task List Settings, and click "Approval Workflow Task (en-US)" content type (may be you used) in Content Types section.
3.Click the "Workflow Task" from Source column.
4.You can find the "Body" column and click it, then click "Edit site column" to change type from "Enhanced rich text" to "Plain text".